From: Sue Dutton Rodgers <>
Subject: Eula's post
Date: 1998-07-29 17:49:12
Eula: I'm not sure how to get to that address. I found a bunch of information, including what I posted by going to the Rootsweb Lists page and putting in the read the archives of the Melungeon List (which opens up a whole new vista of discussion!!) If you all haven't discovered this, you can now access all of the Rootsweb List archive by using this address: You have to know what list you are searching for, so I will use Dutton as an example. In the box asking for Name of List type in Dutton. Then submit. Assuming there is a list for Dutton (which there is) it will take you to the archives of all the queries posted to that list in the last year or whatever. Great source!! At this same site, Eula, type in Melungeon and it will take you to the archives for that list. You can either refine your search on this next page by putting in Black Dutch and it will give you every reference to any references about Black Dutch mentioned in these archives! While I'm on a roll here you can do the same thing with using USGENWEB archives and can be reached at this address: This page gives you a search box, and again using Dutton for example, type in Dutton and choose the state below in which you want to search. There are lots of goodies in these pages. For instance I pull up AR and among the things I find are land records, Union Army records, etc.: You all probably already know this, but if you don't I love these search sites. While I'm at it here's one more and I'll get off it! This is a great site to post queries by surname and to read other people's posts. Now! Eula, what a conglomeration of stuff from your cuz in Chattenooga!! The reference to Keetons living along the Tyger River interests me. Are these Keetons connected to your (is it) Mariah Keeton??? The reason I ask is that my 5ggrandfather was the Jeremiah Dutton found mentioned several times in her stuff she sent you. And Jeremiah lived from 1773-1797 on property along the Tyger River in Greenville/Spartanburg Counties, S.C. As you may know, we don't know Jeremiah's parentage, but I have some reason to believe he is either a brother or a first cousin to Zachariah. No, nothing proveable at this point. As some of you know I am researching a book on Duttons in the South. I have a LARGE database of Duttons from all over the South, still trying to make connections with many many of them, including my own. If anyone has a stray Dutton you either hope to connect or (better) exclude, feel free to contact me and I'll see if I can help. Joseph of course plans a book on Zachariah Dutton and his descendants which will go into far more detail than mine will on Zachariah. I would expect to have a couple of chapters dedicated to your line, however. One thing I will add before I get off here. One of the families I have researched extensively did not become Duttons until after they had been in this country for a number of years as Dertings, Dartings, Duttings, Duttins, and then Dutton. This family originated in Germany and came here with one progenitor, Johann Adam Derting in 1752. They settled in primarily Wythe County, Va. but this was a prolific family and fanned out into many areas of the country. You would be amazed at how many descendants I have in my database from that line alone!!! For instance, Eula, the reference to Adam Dutton marrying Caty Meese, Adam was one of the Derting boys!! Can anyone give me a little more info on access to the Virginia Genealogist that Eula's cuzzin mentions?? I am not familiar with the reference made about Jeremiah et al. Is it a quarterly or something??? Guess I'd better start checking that "top shelf" in my little library and see what they've got!! Susie