Thomas D. & Mary Brooks

From: <>
Subject: Thomas D. & Mary Brooks
Date: 1998-07-30 01:11:04
	Checked the indexes of both James Dutton families
and Zachariah, Jr.'s family and found no Mary Brooks.
Neither did I find it in my Walker county marriage records.
However, there was one book I did not have time to check
the day I was there.....Marriage Book TUVWXY I believe.

The only Thomas Dutton that it could possibly be (as
I do not have a wife for him) is Thomas, son of Henry 
James Dutton and Etta Dollie Winchester.  This is in the
family of Martin A. or V. Dutton, son of (we think) James
and Mary (Irwin) Dutton, b. about 1845 in Walker Co. AL.
and married Mahalia Maddox b. 1848 on 17 May 1861.  He
married at the age of 15 and moved to Tuscaloosa. (The
bride was age 13.  (He must have been near age 16). The
census shows him as Martin A. in one place and the Civil
War record and the family recordsshows Martin V. serving
 in the AL Infantry, CSA.  The oral history of my Walker Co. 
cousins is that he died at age 15 and they do not know about
 Civil War service.  I wonder if they are confusing his death
and marriage age (some think they are synonymous...grin....)
He is not named in James' probate, nor is his son
	Andrew was born 10 Feb. 1861 in Tuscaloosa,
married Annie Hepstott on 8 June 1882 in Tuscaloosa.  They 
had two children Henry James Dutton b. 2 Feb. 1882 and Florence
Egordial Dutton who married James William Williams.
Henry James Dutton and Etta Dollie Winchester were very 
prolific, having 17 children, all of whom had spouses and 
children except that we have no spouse for Thomas.  
	The children were Clarence, Clyde, Hester,
Lula, Nora, Ralph, Rebecca, Thomas, Winchester, Roy Alfred,
Betty Trin, Henry Lee (Sandy), Adrian Mack, Ernest Edward 
(Mule), Claude, Maude and James Samuel (Samp).  I think that
is the birth order.
	The contact we had for this information was the wife
of Henry Lee (Sandy) Dutton.   She visited the Jasper, AL 
genealogy room a couple of months after I had been there and
signed the register.  She wrote and asked what I knew of 
a Martin V. Dutton born in Walker Co.  The assumption was made
that he was the Martin A. on the census as James and Mary's
son.  She did already have the birth year and indicated that he
married at age 15. They did not know when he died.  Neither do
we for sure yet. 
	 I will soon contact the Civil War Descendants Society in
Athens, AL to find out if a pension was ever filed for him as a
Civil War casualty, and the name of the widow.  Also, to see if
they have information that determines this Martin's fate.  At
this point we are assuming that Martin was killed in the war
since there is only the son Andrew born in 1861, but I feel a little
uneasy that with all the Duttons in AL at at that time, this may
be from another family since the middle initial is different.  But
we all know the number of errors in census records.  

Anyone out there recognize this family?  Is he your Martin and
not mine?  Rose, do you have any information on this sibling of
our two ancestors?


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