Re: ZDUTTON – Monday's Post, now posted on Wednesday

From: <>
Subject: Re: ZDUTTON – Monday's Post, now posted on Wednesday
Date: 1998-07-30 12:00:23
Boy that took a while to read, but keep it coming.  Tell you a little story
about my GG Grandfather Samuel S. Dutton.  According to what little I picked
up over the years from family legends was that the reason my GG Grandfather
left Granville Co. was that he hit his stepmother in the head with a frying
pan and left in fear of his life from his father.  Now, this is only a story.
Oh yes, I too am Baptist, but all my ancesters including my father were
In the Southwest corner of Anson there is a small Methodist church by the name
of Long Pine whish was founded in 1798.  It is the oldest Methodist church in
The Albamarle Charge and its entire current membership ismade up of Dutton's
or their relatives.

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