Re: Samuel Dutton

From: billmims <>
Subject: Re: Samuel Dutton
Date: 1998-08-03 09:52:35
Read with interest the info on Thomas Dutton and MC, his wife.  I have info
on an Aaron Dutton in Itawamba Co., MS.  His tombstone, only one left
standing in old Van Buren Cemetery in Itawamba Co., has death date as 1842.
Joe seems to think it should be more like 1847.  I have not seen it.  A good
friend of mine gave me this info, as the cemetery is almost impossible to
reach after the construction of the Tenn/Tom waterway.Have other info, but
will need to look it up in my notes.  Sonya

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Date: Mon, 03 Aug 1998 14:45:25 +0000
From: billmims <>
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Subject: Aaron Dutton
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I have an Aaron Dutton in my info in Itawamba Co., death date 1842,
according to headstone in cemetery (Old Van Buren).  Have other info I
need to check notes on.
Is this Aaron Dutton , the same as the Blount County A.Dutton?  Joe,
what do you think?  We have corresponded on this before.  Sonya


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