Pictures and Text

From: <>
Subject: Pictures and Text
Date: 1998-08-03 15:33:05
Cousin Joe: Thanks for the pictures. It only took about a minute download time
on two of them and five minutes on the other. I remember seeing the picture of
William Zachariah Dutton and his wife in my Uncle Joe Brown's home.

Artie and Sonja, thanks for all the information. It will take me forever and a
day to get caught up on all this information. My daughter usually has the
computer at night for her college work so I have to do all of my work during
the day. 

Betty and Woody, thanks for all the information on Black Dutch, etc. Found it
very interesting.

Eula, I loved the excerpts especially about John Brown and Mary Dutton;, since
this is my g-grandfather and g-grandmother. I now realize why a lot of the
girls in the Brown family were namer Lollar, or Lora or Lolla. It was probably
after Margaret Lollar. 
Thanks again

Cousin Margaret

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