Hi to all

From: "Crystal R. Brazzel" <jcarey@texhoma.net>
Subject: Hi to all
Date: 1998-08-18 12:06:54
Just checking in.  I have been on vacation for the past few weeks.  I see
some interesting stuff here on the Black Dutch, but have so many unanswered
messages I haven't had time to really read any of it.  I spent a few hours
digging through ancient Maryland Court records (I don't know what they were
doing in the Austin,Tx Library!) but found nary a mention of the name
Zachariah.  He must have been a private, hard working man who had little to
say, right? Didn't get in trouble, didn't run for public office.  Some
particulars mentioned on Penn coming to Maryland to discuss boundaries for
the state, whose home they all met at, etc. I didn't copy any of it.   I am
heading down into North Texas tomorrow (my last day before school starts) 
snooping around for Duttons & Hughes.  Just wanted you all to know I am
still on the list. I will let you all know if I find anything of interest.

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