Dutton Confusion

From: <DuttonNC@aol.com>
Subject: Dutton Confusion
Date: 1998-08-20 19:51:12
I'm a little confused.  I need some clarification on some of the Dutton
information I have received.  Me being in N.C. and kind of the outsider of all
you Alabama Duttons I am haveing  a time trying to sort out who is who on
these msgs.  I really appreciate all the good information I have recieved and
am hungry for more, but in some case I don't know who on earth you talking
about.  When you are dealing with common names like James (mine) it s easy to
get confused.  Pleas keep this in mine when sending all fine information.  If
you could connect thes descendents to their ancestor from Z. Dutton it would

Cousin James

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