Thomas Dutton(s)

From: Sue Dutton Rodgers <>
Subject: Thomas Dutton(s)
Date: 1998-08-22 11:59:08
Thanks for your response to the List, Judy.

Steve's dissertation is very well done, and well documented....but as
you noted, somewhat limited at this point, as we have progressed beyond
his research at the time (I think he wrote this about a year ago.)

A couple of misconceptions in your letter, Judy.  First and foremost, I
do not believe that my Jeremiah Dutton is a brother to Zachariah.  At
best, he may be a cousin.

I can understand why many people on this list are confused!!  Let me see
if I can clarify anything (without adding to the confusion).

There were at least three different lines of Duttons in N.Alabama in the
period 1820-on.  How or IF they connect is what I am working on right

First, we have a Samuel Dutton who first appears in Lawrence Co. Al. on
the 1820 census.  For some time it was assumed that this was Zachariah's
son Samuel, but that has proven not to be true, as James and Judy's
ancestor, Samuel Sneed, who did not come to Alabama with some of his
brothers, but stayed in Anson Co. N.C.

This Samuel Dutton died in Lawrence Co. abt 1823.  In 1829 his widow,
Ellendor Owens Dutton marries a Samuel White.  And in papers selling
and/or dividing some of her first husband's land Samuel Dutton and
Ellendor's children are listed.  They were:  Thomas b. abt 1800; Richard
b. abt 1802; Deborah b. abt 1804 (m. William McDaniel); Pricilla b. abt
1806 (m. John Hughes); Margaret (Peggy) b. abt 1807 (m. Joseph Rhodes);
Elizabeth b. abt 1813 (m. Robert Clayton??); Sally b. abt 1814; Perkins
b. abt 1815 died young; Owen b. abt 1816; Aaron b. abt 1817; and David
b. abt 1818.  This is the family that it has been assumed Sonya's Thomas
b. 5 May 1830 who married Mary Brooks descends from.  (In the document
mentioned above it is mentioned that Samuel's son Thomas b. abt 1800 had
died by the time it was written and that a grandson (Thomas? b. 1830?)
was the only child b. to Samuel's son Thomas).  Anyway, like I said
earlier, until very recently we assumed this Samuel to be s/o Zachariah,
but he isn't.  The big clue in my determining this was to find that
Samuel and Ellendor were married in Washington Co. KY and it did not
make sense to me that Zachariah's son Samuel would have traveled to KY
>from NC then back down to Northern Alabama (could have yes, but

So, to date, we have this Samuel Dutton unattached to other Duttons in
Northern Alabama but living in close proximity to Zachariah's sons who
came to Alabama at abt the same time

(Alexander Thomas appears to have been the first of Zachariah's sons
coming around 1810 into Madison Co. Al.)  He died there in 1818 and his
widow I understand took her four children into northern Louisiana,
(George W. and Christopher Columbus are found on land records abt
1837-38 in Union Co. LA)

Anyway, we have this Samuel who is so far not connected to Zachariah,
but coming to same county (Lawrence) abt same time as some of
Zachariah's sons.

THEN, there is the Aaron Dutton family.  On the 1850 Jefferson Co. AL
census it states that Aaron was born in Pennyslvania (abt 1789), his
wife, Margaret Powell born in KY abt 1790.  Aaron and Margaret lived for
some time in Lincoln County, TN which appears to have been where their
children were born: Samuel b. abt 1809 (m. Nancy Elliott); Harriett b.
abt 1810 (m. Samuel Rhodes); Polly b. abt 1812 (m. James Speakman);
Minerva b. 14 Apr 1814 (m. Alexander Price); Hardin b. abt 1815 (m.
Susannah Elliott); Anna b. abt 1816 (m. William Blackburn) and Mahala b.
abt 1819.

In 1822 Aaron bought land in Blount Co Al.  In 1823; 1836 and 1838 he is
shown purchasing land in Jefferson Co. Al.  His children lived variously
in Jefferson and/or Blount Co.  I would suspect their land was right
along the county line somewhere.

So, here again, we have another Dutton line, Aaron Dutton,  living in
close proximity to sons of Zachariah, with no apparent connection to
them.  Lincoln Co, TN, by the way, borders Northern Alabama adjoining
Limestone Co.

I send this to the list not because everyone will be interested in
searching these two families, but hopefully knowledge of them with some
of their descendants will help in "weeding out" the different lines from
Zachariah's descendants.

It seems like there should be a connection with the three lines, but so
far that connection eludes us!!!  I am presently working on the Duttons
who were in Dekalb, Cherokee Co.  Anyone having information on these
Duttons, please let me know!!!

Thanks James for some enlightenment on Samuel Sneed's son Thomas. 
(although we really don't know much about him do we??)  It would appear
that were he living, or if he had children, that he would have been
mentioned in Betsy's will, doesn't it??  She mentions son Alexander F.
who is living in Cullman Co. Al. at the time, so it wouldn't have been
because he was not living in Anson Co. NC at time of will that he'd have
been left out.

YO! Sonya??!! Where are you girl???  What do you think of my contention
that your Thomas could be s/o Samuel Sneed, grandson to Zachariah???
It's probably a stretch, huh??  I think at this point I'm going to put
your Thomas back where we had him and go from there.  Now we're back to
trying to figure out where this other Samuel hatched from!!  I guess
it's still conceivable that he is my Samuel, s/o Jeremiah Dutton who was
born abt the same time.  But that he went from Greenville Co. S.C. to
Washington Co. KY to marry Ellender Owens, and then to Lawrence Co. AL
is still a bit of a stretch also.

James, thanks for the information on William C.  I didn't have him in my
charts, which I basically got from Judy several months back.    Now, I
remember there was some question about the number of children Samuel
Sneed and Elizabeth Threadgill had.  By adding William that brings me to
15.  Who am I missing??


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