From: Sue Dutton Rodgers <>
Subject: A reminder!!
Date: 1998-08-26 19:19:27
If I ever needed more confirmation that my line does not descend from the Pennsylvania nor the New England Duttons, I got it today. While in the midst of my discussing the Tarheels, the Jayhawks, and my previous "love life" :~) , I was receiving the following from the "other" Dutton List: a discussion on how the England Duttons descend from William the Conqueror, and the Latin translation on the Dutton Coat of Arms. Sigh......oh well, if my 4ggrandfather, John Dutton, had not acted up so often and been "censured" by the little Baptist church in Scott County, Va. I might never have found him!!! Seems they kept more copious minutes on those who "fell away" than on those who didn't!!! Susie I'll shut up for awhile. Susie