From: Sue Dutton Rodgers <>
Subject: Re: Thomas Dutton(s)Re: Jeremiah Dutton
Date: 1998-08-25 12:37:58
James, Thanks so much for that information. I was not aware that Francis, s/o Kingsman Dutton had a son Jeremiah. I have ordered a copy of Cope's book on the PA Duttons, but as it has not arrived yet I have relied upon Curt Rowe's website on them, and he does not show a Jeremiah. Unfortunately, my Jeremiah would have been born about 1745-50, which is not compatible with Francis Dutton's birth year 1738. Jeremiah is found on a 1771 tithables list in Botetourt Co. Va. just prior to buying land in Greenville S.C. in 1773. On a list of tithables in 1767 in Augusta Co. Va. (Botetourt was formed >from part of Augusta Co.) I have found a David Dutton whom I am assuming to be either a brother or his father. I know that Francis had a son David also, but there again Francis would not have been having children prior to abt 1755 (at the very earliest!), which would not make his son David old enough to be a head of household in 1767. It's a real puzzle, I have hit a brick wall for quite some time on Jeremiah!! The fact that there IS a Jeremiah Dutton in the Pa. Dutton line, in and of itself, I find interesting. Thanks for your help. If you are not familiar with Curt's website it is: If you find that you have further information in and around his Kingsman/Francis, (etc) Duttons, please let me know. I have not found Curt nor any of the Pa. and/or New England Duttons to be very forthcoming with their information. If it's not in the "book" it didn't happen!! ya know?? Here is what I have figured out, and some of it is still conjecture!! David Dutton as father of Jeremiah would have been born ca. 1720-1730. as brother to Jeremiah he'd have been born ca. 1735-46 (he'd have been 21 to be on the 1767 tithables list in Augusta Co. Jeremiah 1745-50 (he'd have been 21 to be on the 1771 tithables list in Botetourt Co.) Jeremiah also had a brother, Daniel, slightly younger than himself, I figure, probably born abt 1750-55. Jeremiah and Daniel are both found on the 1790 Census record for Greenville Co. S.C. and that is the last trace I've found for them. Jeremiah had two known sons: Samuel, b. abt 1773; and my grandfather, John, b. abt 1774, both in Greenville Co. S.C. At least two daughters, one I believe to have been Elizabeth who married a Dempsey Davis. (it is this Samuel I have long sought in vain!!) Daniel had (I believe) two known sons: James, b. abt 1773; Thomas, b. abt 1779 and at least two daughters. I believe James and Thomas went to Elbert Co. Ga. and participated in the 1805 Ga. land lottery. Thomas stayed in the Elbert/Hartman Co. Ga. area. James went to Meriwether Co. Ga. area. Interestingly descendants >from the Penns in Maryland were also in Elbert Co. prior to a final move to I believe Catooga Co. Ga. Haven't found a real connection between my Duttons and the Penns there. Well, now that you all have heard MORE than you EVER wanted to know about my Jeremiah et al, if anything rings any bells with anyone, I can use all the help I can get!!! Thanks, Susie wrote: > In checking around in some of my books and things I ran across this bit of > information of Jeremiah Dutton. I found him to be (or at least a Jeremiah > Dutton) to be descended from the Dutton's of Penn.It may or may not be the one > you are looking for but it probably will be worth tracing down. I am going to > give you a breif run-down on this family and if you thikn it is worth anything > I can give you more information. > > John Dutton(From Overton, England, His wife Ellen?? > John Dutton Jr, his wife Mary Darlington(both from Overton England) > John Dutton III, HIs wife Elizbeth Kingsman > Kingsman Dutton, his wife Ann Routh > Francis Dutton, his wife Hannah Talbot > Jeremiah Dutton > > This family from Francis Dutton moved from Penn.(Aston township) to > Shepherdstown, Belmont Co. Ohio. Its easy to see that the children could hav > moved anywhere from this area. I don't know if this will help you or not, but > if You need more detailed information I can help you with this. > > James