Copy of Zachariah's will

From: Sue Dutton Rodgers <>
Subject: Copy of Zachariah's will
Date: 1999-02-02 23:36:12
Here is what I have:

Granville County, North Carolina
Source: Granville County Wills 1815 to 1830
Volume II pages 209-210
[abstracted by Myra Borden from NC Microfilm Photocopy--a very poor
she notes]

In the name of God Amen!
I Zachariah Dutton of the County of Granville & State of North Carolina
in weak in body but blessed be God am of sound and vigorous mind ___ the
of __ thing and the certainty of ___ [probably "the certainty of death"
do this 10th day of November 1828 make & publish this my will for the
Disposition of that Portion of this World's goods with which my Labor
Life have been blessed after first Resigning my body to the dust to be
decently buried and my Immortal Spirit into the hands of my Allwise
who gave it ____
Item -- It is my will that at my Death & as Soon thereafter as may be
convenient & Proper that my Executors sell my Property both Real &
and when the money may become due to proceed to the collection and get
it all
together as near as possible and then to distribute it in the following
First to pay & Satisfy my Just debts,
then to set apart the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to be kept on

interest until the youngest child of my son JOHN shall become of lawful
and then to divide the amount equally amongst the children of my son
or if my Executor chooses, he may pay them off Respectfully as they
arrive at
Lawful age.
the balance of my Estate may be Distributed in the following manner say,

to my daughter MATILDA five Shillings.
to my son ZACHARIAH one eighth part subject to a deduction of $125.
to my son WILLIAM one eighth part subject to a deduction of $100.
to my son ALEXANDER one eighth part subject to a deduction of $100.
to my son JARROTT one eighth part subject to a deduction of $25.
to my son SAMUEL one eighth part subject to a deduction of $200.
to my son daughter ELIZABETH BAILEY one eighth part subject to no
to my son EDMOND five shillings he having had his part in Lands.
to my son STEPHEN five shillings he having had his part in Lands.
to my son JOHN five shillings.

The Remainder to be distributed by our acts of assembly for

Item -- I hereby nominate, constitute, & appoint my friend David J.
Young my
whole & sole Executor to settle & distribute my property, and execute
this my
Last Will & Testament.

Signed, Sealed & Delivered in presence of Joseph Hart, David Owing, Jr.

Zachariah Dutton {seal}

What's happened to this group, everybody hibernating for the winter???? 

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