Finally Back Online

Subject: Finally Back Online
Date: 1999-03-27 21:47:47
Had computer problems.  Still not repaired properly, but
have learned how to get minimal service from it.  Since it
is a Mac, Best Buy (where I have extended warranty) sends
it away and kept it 4-5 weeks.  I am trying to make do with
it until I get back to Ohio and take it in there.  They send
it away too, but maybe their technician will be more interested
in really repairing it than trying to wait until the warranty
runs out in October.  At least there I have another computer
while I hassle with them.  I have found Best Buy service everywhere
on my printer, etc. is rude, nonresponsive, and not very competent
so will not buy anything else there, but that's not helping me
	Just have 10 houseguests at our vacation home in Florida for
a week.  Had a great time, but very busy...had lots of home maintenance
here followed by lots of company so my dream of family research
during the winter was pushed aside.  Now it is tax time followed
by Easter week guests.  MAYBE after that.

	Just retyped by ZDutton list into my address book.  If someone
would check the header on this and correct any omissions or otherwise,
I would appreciate it.

	Saw a message that Gerald Dutton and his son Chris, one of my
Alabama relatives (hope to meet them next trip to Jasper) has
joined us.  Hi to them, and to Gerald's dad Jessie Dutton also.


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