Subject: Name Changes
Date: 1999-05-24 20:50:58
Hi Cuzins I belong to a SC List and this came across. I thought it very interesting and thought that you may like to look at it. I can see how some names get changed according to pronunciation and like our Norwodes just a gradual thing, but how in the world they went from Bauer to Farmer is a curiousity to me. Hope all are having a good week Love Judy Hello, Here is a listing of some German/Dutch/Welsh names and how their spelling changed, or the name itself changed, completely, as these families moved from place to place. Aebersold = Ebersole Albrecht = Albright Baer = Beer, Bear, Barr Baird = Bart, Beard Bauer = Farmer Bauer = Bower, Bowers Bauman = Bowman Baumgartner = Bomgarner Beck = Baker Bickel = Bidel Bieber = Beaver Bieri = Beery Blank = Plank Bossert = Buzzard Brechbuehl = Brackbill, Brechbill Brenner = Burns Bush = Bull Byler = Beyler Diehlman = Deal Dreier = Troyer Egli = Egle Eperly = Eberly Esch = Ashe Frei = Frey, Fry Gehman = Gayman Geiser = Geyser Gerber = Garber, Garver Grebiel = Graybill Groff = Grove Grossmann = Cressman Gross = Groce Gwynn = Winn Hafner = Potter Hermann = Harmon Hewes = Hughes Hirschi = Hershey Hirt = Shephard Huck = Hook Huber = Hoover Jansen = Johnson Jung = Young Kieffer = Cooper Koenig = King Kolb = Culp Krain = Crane Kuster = Custer, Kister, Koster Lang = Long Lauer = Lower Lehmann = Layman Lehr = Lear Lieberguth = Livingood Lorentz = Lawrence Mairer = Myers, Moyer, Mayer Maurer = Mason Maust = Moss, Mest Meili = Miley Musser = Moser Neuenschwander = Newswanger, Niswander Rieth = Reed, Ried Richter = Judge Ritter = Rutter Roth = Rhoads Schenk = Shank Schneider = Snyder, Snider Schneider = Taylor Schuhmacher = Shoemaker Schwartz = Black, Swartz Sharrer = Shower St. Clair = Sinclair Stauffer = Stover Steffen = Stephens Steiner = Stoner Thierstein = Derstine Tilger = Diller, Dilger Wagner = Cartwright Weber = Weaver Weiss = Wise, White Wenger = Winger Whisler = Wisler Yantzi = Shantz Zimmerman = Carpenter Hope this helps, Elida