ZDUTTON – More Duttons in Love County cemetery

From: Wildwudy@aol.com
Subject: ZDUTTON – More Duttons in Love County cemetery
Date: 1999-07-13 18:05:02
Hi Joseph and cousins,
   With the finding of Martha Jane's death certificate, we found more 
information in the US Genweb site for cemeteries.  Genweb places Martha in 
the same cemetery as  husband Alexander in Marietta, Love County, OK.  
However, this has the death of Martha as 1841 instead of 1842 on the death 
certificate. The findings duplicate your information for Martha and 
Alexander, but in the process we found more Duttons in another cemetery.  
Betty says these additional names may be some of ours.

Information found on following web sites:

Surname List #2Surnames D - G
Refer to the Cemetery #s list to find the Cemetery name that corresponds with 
the number given in list.  You can then use the Cemetery Description to list 
fine read about the cemetery where the individual is buried.
Last Name    First Name     Birth     Death       #  

==============================ALEXANDER          28 DEC 1823    21 JUN 1904    22
ALICE              1879           1962           20
DALLAS             1874           1942           20
GLADYS CHANDLER    21 JUL 1903    4 DEC 1966     20
MARTHA             1841           1931           22
WILLIAM A          22 OCT 1900    17 JUL 1963    20

Number to cemetery cross ref:

20. LAKEVIEW is the cemetery for the city of Marietta and is the largest 
cemetery in Love County. It is located in 2E, 7S, Section 22.

22. LEON is the cemetery for the community of Leon. There is a story about 
how this cemetery was first started. A man by the name of P. B. Arthur came 
upon a wagon, a man a short distance from it was digging a hole. Not knowing 
what was 
happening, Mr. Arthur hid behind a tree and watched. When it became clear 
that the man was digging a grave, he came out and helped him. The family was 
passing through the country, when the man's wife died and he had stopped to 
bury her. 
This was in 1883 and her name was Rachel Brumley. It is located in 2W, 8S, 
Section 5.
===========<>============Woody and Betty

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