Subject: Z DUTTON -Welcome Duttons
Date: 1999-07-27 07:29:39
Dana and Tracy Welcome to the Dutton Gang. My name is Judy Norwood Knight daughter of Mary Ellen Broach Norwood daughter of Myrtle Mae Dutton Broach daughter of Edward Ivy "Bud" Dutton son of Edward H. Dutton (1843 - 1919) son of Samuel Sneed Dutton who married Elizabeth Threadgill in Anson County NC. The same one that James told us about recently who hit his step-mother. Now that I think about it my grandmother did have a temper. She was 4 foot 11. Grandadday was 6 foot 3 or so and she kept him and ten children in line (along with us grandchildren). She could whistle and be heard for miles. And when we heard it, we knew that we had three minutes to get home (no wonder all of us are such good runners.....grin). I have often wondered if this whistle is a Dutton thing. I work full time, am listed as a "lookup" researcher on the SC Genweb, member of several family groups, run the web page for the Old Darlington District Genealogy Chapter of the SCGS and I am wife and mother, so it leaves me little time for my own research the past few years. However, you will find some very good researchers in this group who will put your head in a spin with the valuable information that they come up with. As I have often said, they are like my Duttons here, very loving and considerate but quiet. My Duttons here have always surveyed a situation for awhile, before they will jump in. Joseph is our ring leader and when he goes off to school, it gets very quiet for long periods, however, don't give up on us, every now and then we oldens rise to the occasion...big grin. Hope you enjoy your stay with us. Love Cuzin Judy If you would like to check out my pages ODDC SCGS WEB PAGE URL: