ZDUTTON – Woody and Betty's Excellent Adventure

From: <Wildwudy@aol.com>
Subject: ZDUTTON – Woody and Betty's Excellent Adventure
Date: 1998-07-11 16:18:43
We took a road trip to Springtown, Texas on July 3 to try to find
where Stephen Penn Dutton was buried.  He was on the census records of Parker
County (Springtown located there) in 1910.  We walked the cemetery (temp 100+)
but found no Dutton headstones.  Many of the stones had fallen over, or were
made of a sandstone whose names had eroded off.  Quite a few graves were
marked only with stones.  We got the phone number of the lady who keeps the
cemetery records (Peggy Simmons 817-220-7349).  If she can?t help, we?ll head
for resources in Ft. Worth.
        We then went to the Cottondale cemetery and found the "Hughes Gang".
We walked that cemetery and found no Duttons.  I did notice that my ggg-aunt?s
(Margaret Elizabeth Dutton Huhges) husband served with a company from Alabama
in the Civil War.  Does anyone know if Stephen Penn Dutton served in the Civil
          TO Charles Van Bebber:  Charles, the picture you sent me was
definitely my g-grandfather, Arthur.  My 2nd cousin Shirley (Dutton) Weaver
has the same picture.  It was taken for his wedding and he was 22 yrs old.
Was able to obtain info on all of his children .  If anyone would like a
scanned copy, let us know. 
         TO Judy Knight:  Judy, my cousin Shirley said that she had heard that
the Dutton name was either Scotch or English, but I was fascinated with the
origin of "Black Dutch" as I am 3/16 Cherokee.  Thanks. 
         Sorry to be so long winded but we want all to know what we found ? or
didn?t find.  We?ll keep looking. 
          There is a "Dutton, Oklahoma".  We?re going to find out the origin
of this small town. 
         Welcome to all the new cousins.

Betty (Dutton) and Woody Woodworth 

Hughes Headstones in Cottondale, TX, cemetery, next to "Community Church":
Scanned pictures of headstones available on request.

George Luther Hughes
b. May 1, 1869
d.  Aug 9, 1947
and next to above stone is:
Mary Ellen Waren
b.  Feb 12, 1884
d.  Dec 9, 1951
George S. Hughes
Co. 1
Nov 18, 1838
Jan 25, 1932
Just a sinner saved by grace
Margaret T. Hughes
b.  Dec 21, 1840
c.  July,1, 1908
A precious one from us has gone, a voice we loved is stilled.  A place is
vacant in our home, never can be filled.
John A
SON OF G.S. & M.E.
BORN JAN 15, 18 (BROKEN ? perhaps 71)
DIED APR 11, 1892
AUG 13, 1870
APR 7, 1899
APRIL 5, 1899
(note: only one date on stone)

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