From: <>
Subject: Z DUTTON…Penns
Date: 1998-07-12 10:36:29
Hi cousins Once upon a time long long ago Artie sent me this. Thought some of you may be interested. Remember this Artie. This was back in 1997. It looks like Artie may have reached out and touched the same information about the Penns. Judy, Hi! It's Artie, your Cherokee Dutton. I have some news for you. I found my Duttons! Can you believe that! He has been searching for 20 years and could not trace them. It about blew him away when he found my query and saw that they are Cherokee! He sent me what info he has and a Samuel Dutton turned up. You might be connected to our Duttons! He says that our Duttons came from South Carolina! Did you know that there was a William Dutton in the Roanoke Lost Colony? He was one of the people missing when the ship returned a year later. Theory is that the Indians, probably Cherokee, befriended the settlers and took them in or they would not have survived the winter. We could all be descended from him! There is also the possiblity that our Duttons are tied in with the Quakers from William Penn's Colony inn 1681 (John Dutton). We have a Chesley and a Wiley in our Duttons and those are Quaker names. This John Dutton had at least 4 sons. On the 1860 Bullock Georgia Census, there is a Samuel Dutton as the head of a family. Did you know that? In that county, there were also other Dutton households, Andrew, John, Joseph, and William. An Ann Dutton lived in Bryan County Ga. In 1830, on the Sullivan, TN census there is a Samuel Dutton as the head of the household. Other Duttons in that county are Abram and Elizabeth. In 1840, Samuel Dutton is still in Sullivan County, TN, but then moves to Cherokee County, AL on the 1850 census. In 1850, Samuel is 44, Lucy is 39, Eliza is 21, Sarah Ann is 17, Nancy E is 15, David is 13, Mary is 11, Abram is 9 plus 2 younger children born in TN and 1 in AL. Isn't this your Duttons? Samuel Dutton was living next door to David Clayton. Our Patrick Duttons appears in Al the same time that this Samuel Duttons does! It says that this Samuel, 44, was born in Virginia. George and John were born in TN. It says that the wife of Samuel was born in North Carolina. Let me know what you think! Artie