From: <>
Subject: Re: ZDUTTON – No mail, and a new contact
Date: 1998-07-12 13:13:45
When I was much younger my Grandfather Henry G.Dutton me that one of his ancestors was married to a Penn. I Don"t know which one of them it was. According to the way people named their children back then it could be that Z. Dutton's first son was named after his maternal Grandfather which I believe to have been William Chandler Penn. I can"t prove this as of now but I'm working on it. Also he had a daughter who married a William Bailey in Granville Co. N.C. by the name of Elizabeth which could have been her mother's name. I'm working on this too. I;ll keep you posted as to what I can find out. I'm planning on going to Granville Co. as soon as it gets a little cooler. James L. Dutton