Artie's letter

From: Sue Dutton Rodgers <>
Subject: Artie's letter
Date: 1998-07-12 13:52:10
Thought I would give some input to Artie's information.  Seems like a
long time ago that she wrote it!  And I guess in research "years" it

I have since investigated the Samuel Dutton that Artie mentions in
Bulloch County, Ga.  He was shown on the 1860 census.  This was back
when the three of us, Artie, Judy and myself were "hunting" Samuels and
before we knew that Judy's Samuel Sneed Dutton was a son of Zachariah. 
The Samuel mentioned above was the son of Henry Dutton and Henry was
born in Massachusetts and was a descendant of the New England Duttons
who came to America in 1630  the same year the Massachusetts Bay Colony
was founded.  My line does not appear to be connected to the
Massachusetts Duttons, nor the Pennsylvania Duttons who arrived in
1682.  And at this point there is no definitive proof that Zachariah was
connected to either of these two lines.  (Although there is some
indication that there is a William Penn connection, and the Duttons who
came to Pa. arrived with William Penn as you all know.

The Samuel Dutton who was on the 1840 Sullivan County, TN census records
I got real excited about because my Duttons at that time were next door
in Scott County, Va.  But....he was not my Samuel Dutton either.  This
Samuel Dutton, I believe, was born in Wythe County, Va. and descends
>from the branch of Duttons who came from Germany with their name
"evolving" from Darting/Derting/Dutting.  If anyone knows anything about
this family and whether this is the same Samuel Dutton who migrated to
Cherokee County, AL, please contact me.

Then of course we have the Samuel Dutton who we all thought was
Zachariah's son who settled in Lawrence County, AL before the arrival of
Zachariahs' "other" sons.  But n-o-o-o.  Now we know that Judy's Samuel
Sneed Dutton was Zachariah's son and he never came to AL!!  It seems the
Samuel Dutton who arrived in Lawrence Co., AL came there from Washington
Co. KY, and I believe Joseph said he was born in Pennyslvania??  So did
this Samuel die in Lawrence Co? and who were his children???  Does
anyone have any information on him and/or his descendants???  Has anyone
been able to weed out this Samuel's descendants from Zachariah's sons
who were in Lawrence Co. AL???  I know alot of people have been confused
by this, and it does seem that this Samuel had some connection with
Zachariah's children as they all wound up in the Lawrence Co. AL area at
about the same time, although this Samuel was there first.

Anyway, out of all these Samuel Duttons I am still searching for what
happened to the Samuel from my line who was born about 1773 in
Greenville Co., S Carolina and was no longer there (or anywhere else
I've found!!) as of the 1800 census when all of Duttons left that area. 
He does not appear in Scott County, Va where his brother, my
4ggrandfather, went after leaving S.Carolina.

SO, if any of you have any extra Samuels hanging around your place,
would you send him my way so I can check him out??? <grin>  I have some
reason to think that all of my Duttons who were in S.Carolina until 1797
went north into North Carolina.  The basis of this thinking is that
John, brother to Samuel (my) met and married his wife, Susannah Stepp,
somewhere in North Carolina (she was dau of Moses Stepp) as I have no
indication that the Stepps ever left the Burke County N.C. area until
they went to Scott County, Va.

Thanks.  Sue

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