Fwd: Great Poem

From: <Dokn@aol.com>
Subject: Fwd: Great Poem
Date: 1998-07-21 20:43:32
Hi folks

Thought you may enjoy this poem sent to me by cousin Sharon.

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Subject: Great Poem
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Hi Girlfriends.........
Just receive this poem and wanted to share it ......Love Sharon

>>Dear Ancestor
>>Your tombstone stands among the rest;
>>Neglected and alone.
>>The name and date are chiseled out
>>On polished, marbled stone.
>>It reaches out to all who care
>>It is too late to mourn.
>>You did not know that I exist
>>You died and I was born.
>>Yet each of us are cells of you
>>In flesh, in blood, in bone.
>>Our blood contracts and beats a pulse
>>Entirely not our own.
>>Dear Ancestor, the place you filled
>>One hundred years ago
>>Spreads out among the ones you left
>>Who would have loved you so.
>>I wonder if you lived and loved,
>>I wonder if you knew
>>That someday I would find this spot,
>>And come to visit you.

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