Slug Fest

From: <>
Subject: Slug Fest
Date: 1998-07-23 21:31:17
Hi gang,
    Well, Woody is back from the Mojave Desert and found it cooler there than
here in Oklahoma!   While he was gone I was able to monitor the Dutton "Hot
Line", but had to wait until he got back to communicate with you all.
    Everyone has been busy with their research and have added a lot of great
information.  I feel like a slug just sitting here unable to add anything to
our group.  My goal is to find out where Stephen Penn and his wife are buried.
It has to be either in Wise or Parker County, TX  (well it doesn't have to be,
but I think that is a likely place to look.)  Any help in this area would be
appreciated.  I guess he didn't fight in the Civil War but if any of you come
across a war record for him I would be grateful.
    Eula, I really enjoyed the stories of Zacariah who fought in the Civil
War, especially the story about the button.  Information like that makes the
names come to life. 
    Joseph, I would like for you to to copy photos of Edmund, Margaret (Ross),
and Mary Frances Dutton headstones (and people if found).  I guess it won't be
long until you become a "Fabulous College Freshman".  I know you will be
really busy, but hope you will have time to let us know how you are doing.
      Here is a contribution:  Tiny Tribbey, OK, published a spiral book
called "Tribbey Pioneer Recipes, Remedies, and Remembrances", containing
volunteer entries from the community at large.  Some told how to make white
lightnin'.   Duttons made these entries: 
      LYE SOAP.
      Grandma Duttons receipt   (Note:  Wife of James Arthur Dutton)
      Submitted by Louise Dutton Johnson
       After rendering lard take 1 gal. cracklins and put in iron wash pot,
add one can of lye and one gallon of water.  Cook over fire stirring
constantly.  Cook down until its thick.  Stir until it begins to thicken.
Take off fire.  Let set over night until Cooled then Cut into bars.
      Leldon Dutton  (Note:  son of James Arthur Dutton)
      Submitted by Loretta Dutton Tiffen and Shirley Dutton

   On cold days when the fire in the fireplace or wood stove, "Sputters or
Cracks", the fire is "callin' snow" an itl snow fore three days.
    Don't cut hair in the dark of the moon, or it might cause some baldness.
    If it thunders in February, there'll be frost in May.
    If the second toe of a woman is longer than her big toe, she'll henpeck
her husband.
To all my cousins  -- Keep on posting to our site.  It is a treat hearing from
you all.

PS:   "Cracklins" is wood ashes.

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